The Causes of War: Custom Walnut moldings for the Flying Heritage & Combat Armor Collection
How to Install a Plinth
I Framed Andy Warhol (part 2) the reveal
Custom display case with classic lines and fine joinery
That's a wrap: Crating art for international shipping
The Art of Alzheimer's update: Give Big Foundation annual charity event
Custom panels for fine artists and fine art students
The Art of Alzheimer's and the Artist Within: A profound survey
Creating space for special objects: Custom framing for leather work
Emily Fiegenschuh and the ad intera of picture framing
Fabrics, textiles and picture framing
I Framed Andy Warhol: Custom framing and pop art conservation
Fixing a Frame: Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band
Frame and Artist: reconsidering the frame for visual artists
BSA Beezerker Photobox
Hand finished mouldings: Walnut
Working for scale: creating harmony and balance with mats
#fine art, custom framing, framing portfolioJoel Heflin#joelheflin, #inkdrawing, #seventeenth century paper, #works on paper, #museum quality framing, #custom matting, #proportion and aethetics, custom framing seattle, picture framing seattle
What you don't see is just as important
Illuminated Etching: No smoke, no wires
Donna McGinnis: Framing timeless interludes